Thursday, February 11, 2016

Gods, angels and human mortals of well-known historical works surfing can shop on the corner to be located in the beverage show, powerless prior to the fleet organization, or by bus ride with a bored expression aptly in these clever remixes.

 historic attack underground setting

In its ongoing series art history in modern life , Ukrainian artist Alexey Kondakov nevertheless a fictional globe, found in the old figures documenting transplanted into contemporary cityscapes.

U- Bahn-nude

 historical mother-child lamb

historic drunk brandy Shop

Among his hacks: Cesar van Everdingen the Bacchus , Caravaggio David and Goliath and William-Adolphe Bouguereau The Nymphs and Satyr, all chopped to match into new times and locations

 Historical Park Cherub sitting

 historic street sidewalk scene

 history painting modern city

The scenes are so skillfully edited it to the figures, left to themselves, to stand out from each setting through their actions or clothes. Madonna, Youngster and Lamb are, for instance, a bit of a strange discovery in an old apartment staircase and Putten normally not observed on the earth plane, at least by ordinary people.

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